January 2011 Investment Review

2010 was a rollercoaster of a year. The FTSE 100 started the year at 5500, dropped to 5100 by February, rose to 5800 in April, flopped to 4800 in July and then rose back beyond 5800 at the end of the year. Get ready for 2011 which should be more of the same.

Could we have best guessed the rises and falls in the FTSE 100 along the way as The Okey Cokey suggests? “You put your whole self in, your whole self out, in, out…” If anybody could they would have made 39% in a market that most of us living here regards as in deep recession. As it was the FTSE 100 rose by about 6% over the year. I know the market is today above 6000 points, but I regard the top 200 points as froth. Continue reading “January 2011 Investment Review”