I’m a baby boomer

When I first played Trivial Pursuit Baby Boomer Edition, I had no idea what a Baby Boomer was, or indeed that I may be one. After the end of WWII, the number of births rocketed in the US and only settled back to average figures in 1963.  A similar increase in the birth rate happened over here too.

The vast majority of my clients are older than me, that makes them Baby Boomers too.  What’s this got to do with investment?  

Q: “Willie, why do you rob banks?”
A: “Cause that’s where the money is.” ~ Willie Sutton

Willie Sutton was born in 1901 and was a career bank robber.

Q: “Howard, why are nearly all of your clients older than you?”
A: “Cause more than 75% of the wealth in the UK is held by the 55 plus age group. You can see I would have an incredibly poor business model managing the wealth of the UK’s 20somethings.”

Howard Scott was born in 1961 and has been continually robbed by banks. Continue reading “I’m a baby boomer”