Closing Time

The end of the tax year cometh

Very soon the closed sign will be raised on the tax year 2016/17. It will matter not a jot to most individuals, but to some its last orders time please.

ISA contributions

If you intend to use this year’s ISA allowance with us then don’t delay in sending your contribution cheques. Melissa has already moved many clients funds from their General Accounts that are on Nucleus to their ISA’s on Nucleus. If you are unsure whether this has happened for you then drop her an email.

Pension contributions

If your intention is to top up your pension in this tax year then get a move on. Again Melissa can help ensure the contributions are submitted if your cheques arrive in time.

Last Orders at the bar

The last day we can guarantee that contributions received by us will be in time is just two weeks from now on Friday the 24th March.

But I’ve already left the rat race…

Many of our clients have retired already, but the tax year end could still be important for you too.

Pension Drawdown Withdrawals

If you are not already a higher rate tax-payer this year then perhaps you would like to take a little more from your drawdown plan without paying 40% in tax. Let’s face it who wants to be a higher rate tax-payer in retirement. Contact Melissa if you want some more of your money back. (The FCA insist I warn you here that when your savings are gone, they are gone) How irresponsible of a financial adviser recommending you spend your life-savings before its too late!

Pension Annual Allowance

We are currently contacting a number of clients to ensure they don’t lose the opportunity of taking more than £1,000,000 out of their (admittedly rather large) pension pots. We know the overall size of our clients pension plans that we manage on Nucleus and Investcentre, but if you also have other pensions elsewhere, such as an old company pension scheme or two, you could be closer to the HMRC limits than you think.

The last opportunity to avoid paying a hefty 55% tax bill if your pension is more than £1,000,000 is now. Contact us and we can show you how to apply for protection for your pension.

That’s about it

Please act today if any of the above points are relevant to you. Don’t stress us out please by leaving it to the last minute!

Now for all of you who have looked after your end of tax year affairs already, here’s a little film featuring penguins.