Where does the time go?
Hasn’t this year flown! They say the older you become the faster time goes. Now we all know that time doesn’t speed up, it’s one of the few constants we have, but just 4 weeks to Christmas already. That’s ridiculous.
I hope 2017 has been good to you and your family so far this year. I know there’s not much to cheer about in the news at the moment, but that shouldn’t stop us from enjoying the rest of our year. I’m sure the world’s politicians don’t care about us, so why do we spend so much time worrying about what they are going to say or do next? We are investors. We invest for a lifetime during which there will undoubtedly be other “Trump and Brexit” equivalents to worry about in the short term. But in the long term, our lifetimes, our investments grow and always have done. Continue reading “4 Weeks to Christmas”