Existential Threats

Everyday we face multiple threats to our continued existence. Everyday, almost every person on the planet lives to face those same personal existential threats again tomorrow. And the day after, and the day after, until one day we don’t get to face them any longer. One of those existential threats came for us, like the Grim Reaper.

Personal Threats

From the everyday threats like walking under a bus or suffering a myocardial infarction to the less obvious but still potentially life threatening like being hit by falling space debris or dropping down a manhole without its cover, it’s a wonder so many of us make it through each day. Other individuals carry additional threats like living with cancer, working underground or on an oil rig. The threat list is endless but we tend to take precautions where we can and put the rest out of our minds so we can just get on with life. We get busy living.

Mass Threats

Mass events grab all of the daily headlines and reverberate in real time around social media. Mass shootings, terrorist atrocities, air crashes, tsunami, radio-active melt downs – they happen everyday or are seconds away every day. But so far we haven’t suffered from any of them although we still worry.

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