What’s Going On?

End of Covid?

I had often wondered what would eventually knock the mainstream media’s endless coverage of the Covid pandemic off the front pages and hourly news bulletins. Never for a moment did I suspect the new story would centre around possible thermo-nuclear annihilation.

There’s a lot I want to say so please excuse the excessive use of bullet points.


Ever since March 2014, Putin had obviously planned his recent expansionary moves. He has bided his time until he felt his chances of success were at their highest. An attempt at annexation at some point was expected by many, but if you had continued to cry wolf for the last 8 years, by now nobody would be listening. Expected perhaps, but expected when exactly?

Long term investment must continue, because if we had spent the last 8 years on the sidelines we would have missed a huge amount of growth. Our moderate portfolio has added 79% over the period before the commencement of 2022, despite previous global investment worries. Since then values have fallen. For some this chain of events has been a stiff test of their resolve, more so than when Covid 19 took values about 1/3rd lower.

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